Division of Administration and Finance » Office of the Assistant Vice President

Office of the Assistant Vice President

The mission of the Interim Assistant Vice President of Administration and Finance mirrors that of the Division to provide the best fiscal management and guidance to the campus community for the use of its Tax Levy and Non-Tax Levy funds.  The staff ensures our campus community compliance with applicable New York State Finance laws, CUNY, and College policies and procedures governing our operation.  Efforts are directed at safeguarding the mishandling of allocated funds and ensuring that all requests match the areas/units’ needs.

The  Office of Interim Assistant Vice President of Administration and Finance works directly with the Office of Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance to provide the financial resources and services the campus community needs to function efficiently and adequately.   The Offices’ ultimate goal is maintaining a fiscally sound environment conducive to best business practices.

The Office of the Assistant Vice President of Administration and Finance comprises Business, Public Safety & Campus Security, Bursar, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Campus Services–Reprographics, Stock Room, and Mail Services offices.

Added to her responsibility, the Interim Assistant Vice President of Administration and Finance serves as the College Title IX Officer.   The Office supports the Office of Human Resources in addressing the various conflicts and grievances to ensure fair and mutually acceptable outcomes.