1. Suggest revisions to the IEAC purpose.
  2. Monitor implementation of MEC Assessment Plan.
  3. Monitor implementation of Subcommittee charges by reviewing submitted documents.
  4. Determine the best approach to assessment at the local level.
  5. Address the specific MSCHE recommendation: Begin work on the process of developing plans to evaluate the assessment process itself to improve its effectiveness.

Steering Committee of the MEC Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

Name Title
Augustine Okereke SLA, English
Jacqueline Clark
(Goldene Lewis)
Senior VP, Finance
(Internal Finance/ Risk Management, Designee)
Evelyn Castro Sr. Advisor to President for Community Engagement/Dean SPCD
Xavier Barreto AVP & CIO, Office of Information & Technology
Hollie Jones SLA, Psychology
Tanya Serdiuk Director, Office of Accreditation, Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness
Chi Koon Director, Research & Sponsored Programs
Chiyedza Small Faculty, Biology