Student Success and Enrollment Management » Health Services

Health Services


The Office of Health Services will ensure that students are in compliance with immunization regulations as stipulated by New York State Public Health Laws and will provide advocacy, education, materials, workshops and related culturally competent preventive practices to manage, enhance and improve students’ health for optimal academic and personal success.

Caring One Student at a Time

The Office of Health Services contributes to the health care needs of our students and is dedicated to treating them with respect, integrity and compassion.


Care and counseling is confidential. Staff members adhere to a very strict confidentiality policy. Medical records are stored securely and your file will only be released with your written authorization.

Services Provided

  • Health Insurance Enrollment
  • Immunizations
  • Condom Distribution
  • HIV/STI testing
  • Health Care Counseling
  • First Aid Supplies
  • Feminine Hygiene
  • Wellness Fairs
  • Medication

We offer free services, resources, and information such as brochures, pamphlets, videos, and referrals on various issues, included but not limited to those listed above.

Office Hours 

The Office of Health Services operating hours are Monday – Friday between 9 AM – 5 PM. For Health Services needs or to turn in immunization records email

Contact Information 

t: 718.270.6075
f: 718.270.6241

After Office Hours

For assistance after office hours or in the case of an on-campus emergency, please call Public Safety at 718.270.6003