Office of the Registrar » Academic Reports, CUNY/College Policies, and Technological Resources » Enrollment Verification/Grades

Enrollment Verification/Grades

Verification of Enrollment Policy

Federal Title IV regulations require that a student begin attendance to qualify for Title IV aid. The College must be able to document verification of enrollment in each course or participation in an academically related event connected to that course. A student is considered to have begun attendance if the student attends at least one day of class or is otherwise active and participating in the course or academically related activity (e.g. by submitting assignments, attending a required study group, academic conference, or tutorial) for each course used to determine Title IV eligibility.

Academically related activities include, but are not limited to:

  • physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students;
  • submitting an academic assignment;
  • taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction;
  • attending a study group that is assigned by the school;
  • participating in an online discussion about academic matter;
  • engaging in an online academically related activity, or initiating contact with the instructor to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course or ask a course-related question. Note: Logging into an online class is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate participation in an academically related activity by the student.

A course for which the College is unable to document that the student ever attended cannot be included as a course eligible for the disbursement of federal aid.

Faculty members at all schools and colleges of The City University of New York are to be provided a census date roster at the end of the program adjustment period/census date of each term/session including winter and summer. Faculty and instructors are required to indicate on the rosters verification of enrollment for students enrolled in the class. VOE rosters will be made available on the 8th day and will remain available until the 21st day of instruction. At that point in time, submission of the roster will effectively certify that the listed students noted as present are enrolled and have attended & participated at least once in the class indicated on this roster (i.e., began attending classes and/or pursuing the prescribed course work or is otherwise active and participating in the course, e.g. by submitting assignments, attending a required study group, academic conference or tutorial).

The College will effectively process administrative withdrawals (WN) for students who have been reported as never participated in an academically related activity, i.e. have not begun attending. Daily attendance rosters or grade books will not be required. To reiterate, a grade of “WN” is to be assigned to students who never participated in an academically related activity and did not officially withdraw

Where the College cannot establish that the student began attendance or participated in an academically related activity, federal grants and loan funds need to be returned. Federal regulations require that the College return federal funds no later than 30 days after the College becomes aware that the student did not begin attendance. At an institution that is not required to take attendance but that has a census date on which it reports its enrollment levels to a state, local jurisdiction, or outside agency, once the institution has determined that a student has or has not begun attendance, it would be reasonable to expect the institution to return funds as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days following the census date.

WN Grade FAQs

WN is an administrative withdrawal. If on a “Commencement of Attendance” roster -completed by a faculty member via CUNYfirst after the 3rd week of classes – a ‘N’ is entered, (meaning that the student has NEVER attended class) the college assigns an ‘WN’ grade for the course.

This grade has no impact on the student’s GPA, it is a non-punitive grade. However, for students receiving financial aid, there is an adjustment in the amount of federal aid that the student receives.

WN grade removal forms should be completed only if the instructor knows the student DID in fact attend their class. If a student has attended class at least once the form should be completed by the faculty member and stamped by the department. However, if a student did not attend classes, the WN grade should not be removed. (Please do not use ‘student did not attend’ as a reason for removal – the WN will not be removed.)

If a student has not attended classes, the WN grade is the correct grade and should NOT be changed to an official withdrawal grade. (Remember there is no punitive effect on the student’s GPA.) If there was a mistake on the ‘Commencement of Attendance’ roster, then grade changes to official withdrawals will be reviewed by the Registrar’s office. This requires an official change of grade form signed by the chair.

A faculty member should complete the WN removal form only when a student has been attending classes. The form is available in department offices or at the Registrar’s office. The form should be returned to the Registrar’s office from the department. The student should not be given a WN removal form, to bring to the Registrar’s office. This is a security violation comparable to giving a student a change of grade form.

WN  Grade Reversal

The WN Reversal form is to be used to amend the Verification of Enrollment (VOE) Roster after the WN grade has been assigned and before the final grade rosters are created. The reversal will remove the grade, update your VOE Roster, reinitialize BlackBoard, and reinstate Financial Aid. Please note this process can take up to 72 hours after confirmation that your request has been processed.

Click here to access the WN Grade Reversal Form. Completed forms must be submitted to for processing.

WA Reversal

Students who do not comply with the immunization requirements after 30 days from the first day of classes will receive a ‘WA’ grade and will not be allowed to attend classes. Additionally, letter grades issued by the instructor of the class will not appear on the student’s transcript until the following steps have been completed:

  • Proof of the 2nd MMR must be submitted to the Health Services Office, located at 1637 Bedford Avenue, room 217, within two weeks after the ‘WA’ grade was issued.
  • A ‘WA’ Reversal Form signed by the college nurse must be obtained and presented to each instructor.
  • The WA Reversal Form, signed by ALL of the student’s instructors must then be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Students have until the last day of class to bring in proof of immunization to clear their immunization stop. Students are not allowed to take their final exam if the 2nd MMR shot is not completed. Once the semester is over and the student has not completed the Immunization process, the “WA” grade will remain permanently on the student’s record.

Grading System and Grading Policies

Please click here to access Medgar Evers College’s grade glossary and explanation.