Admissions » Office of Veteran & Military Services

Office of Veteran & Military Services

The Office of Veteran and Military Services (OVMS) at Medgar Evers College is dedicated to providing culturally responsive admissions, academic and transitional support to MEC veterans, military personnel and their dependents. OVMS aims to ease the transition from service member to scholar for veterans by integrating and overseeing programs, services, resources and activities that support student veterans and encourage post-graduate success.

The OVMS staff works to ensure that MEC veterans have access to campus and community resources. We are here to assist with the following:

  • Direct Admissions and Application Fee Waiver
  • Priority Registration
  • Applying for GI Bill® and VA Benefits (GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site)
  • Certification of VA Education Benefits
  • VA Work Study Placement
  • Access to Tutorial Services and much more!

View Veteran’s Handbook


Key Staff

Andrea Dottin



For inquiries, contact us via email or phone



Visit the Office of Veteran & Military Services at our location
1150 Carroll Street RM 306
Brooklyn, New York 11225

Quick Links

Explore these helpful resources to guide you through your journey.

Transfer Credit Policy

Residency Policy

MEC Viewbook

CUNY Reconnect


CUNY defines a veteran as anyone who was in active military service, including basic training and released under a condition other than ‘dishonorable’. Additionally, CUNY defines military personnel as persons currently serving in the United States armed forces, whether on active duty, in the reserve or in the National Guard.

Veterans may receive up to 45 credits in a specific subject matter area or general electives for the satisfactory completion of military service and training courses. Request an official copy of your Joint Services Transcript (JST). ( or Community College of the Air Force Transcript (CCAF). (

Click here ( for a complete list of VA benefits or stop by OVMS for assistance.

Visit and follow the prompts.

No, you do not have to reapply. Visit to complete VA Form – 1995: Request for Change of Program or Place of Training.

First-time applicants should expect to have to wait at least 6-8 weeks from the time the enrollment certification is sent before payment is received. Continuing students will be processed quicker provided there have not been any changes in their program or address. Keep in mind that according to VA regulations certification for students’ receiving Chapter 35 and Chapter 1606 education benefits are not processed until the first day of the enrollment period. Log On to E-benefits ( to see your current VA & DOD benefit payments.

You will need to visit the education office on base and apply using form Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA) Form 96 – 1. Be sure to stop by OVMS to let us know that the NYS Department of Military & Naval Affairs will be making payments on your behalf.

Eligible services members must receive approval from the Education Service Officer of Counselor within the military prior to enrolling in courses.

Depending on the education benefit being used, your balance should clear by the end of the semester. If you have any trouble registering for classes please visit OVMS or email us at

If you make changes to your schedule after you have been certified for classes, you must visit OVMS and submit a Program Adjustment Form. Failure to notify the School Certifying Official may result in overpayment by the VA which can likely cause student debt.

CUNY supports students who, in the current environment, are called away to duty during their college career. Click here to review the policies for return from or leaving for active duty.

Visit the Office of Veteran & Military Services located in RM C -306 in the Carroll Street Building, 1150 Carroll St. Brooklyn, NY, 11225.

One word: CAMARADERIE. The #MECVets Club is a great way to connect with other student veterans and servicemembers. OVMS offers resources and supportive services relating to military-to-civilian cultural readjustment, in addition to traditional concerns associated with college enrollment. Follow us on social media, Instagram ( and Facebook ( for updates on veteran specific events and programs.

A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), October 1st to September 30th, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year. Please refer to the Cohort Default Rate Guide for a more in-depth description of cohort default rates and how the rates are calculated.

FY 2019 MEC Cohort Default Rate is 3.3%

FY 2018 National Cohort Default Rate Average is 7.3% (Note: There is no 2019 National Cohort Default Rate Average calculated yet).

National CDR Guide

MEC 2019 Official Cohort Default Rate.
Cohort Default Rate History
Breadcrumbs navigation region, list with 2 items, Cohort Default Rate Center, Cohort Default Rate History current page link.
Cohort Default Rate Center
Cohort Default Rate History
Complete Cohort Default Rate History

Cohort Default Rate History
Rate Type
Rate Sub Type
Process Date
Notification Letter
Cohort Fiscal Year: 2019 
FY2018 National Default Rates with Prior Year Comparison
Campus will posts on the Veterans web page what our Cohort Default Rate (CDR) is, how it is derived and what the national average is.  The site will be updated yearly to reflect the current rate.