SPARC Online Training FAQ
CUNY has implemented a new training program called SPARC (Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course) to provide students with this training.
New York State Education Law 129-b, also called the Enough is Enough (“EIE”) statute, requires that all NYS colleges provide students with ongoing education and training about sexual misconduct, including domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence.
SPARC is an online training module developed by SUNY in collaboration with CUNY that educates students* about sexual misconduct, ways to prevent it, and the campus’ response to a complaint. The content has been customized to reflect New York State requirements and CUNY policies.
*NOTE: All incoming students (first-year and transfers) are required to complete SPARC training as are student government members, student leaders and members of other student groups designated by the University and/or College.
*SPARC Troubleshooting
- If using a Mac, students should either use either Google Chrome or Firefox as your web browser to complete SPARC.
- Ensure that pop-up blockers are disabled.
- Please note that students must view ALL the slides to successfully complete the module. The program will automatically close after viewing the final slide.
- Students should complete the SPARC program in one sitting.
- Please print and/or screenshot the Certificate of Completion for your records.
Frequently Asked Questions
The course is not mobile friendly so you must take the course on a desktop, laptop or tablet
- Please allow for pop-up blockers
- Enable flash
- Use Firefox or chrome as your browser
- Complete all slides- There are four modules that need to be completed and validated. At the conclusion of all four modules you will see a certificate of completion, please save for your records
- The CUNYFirst checklist posts an automatic deadline of 30 days for the SPARC training, and it will remain on your account even if you’ve completed the course until the 30 days is done; disregard deadline if you have completed the training and generated a certificate
- For technical issues with BlackBoard please contact the Steve Wymore, BlackBoard Administrator, for Assistance at:
- If you continue having issues even after reviewing and implementing these tips then email and explain what the issue is, please include your EMPL ID
- If you can’t complete the online training due to the content please email and explain why.
- Freshman and Transfer students: May be subjected to registration hold and other actions by Administration.
- Athletes: Will not be allowed to participate if you do not complete SPARC and email your certificate to your coach.
- Residence Hall occupants: Will have your visitation rights revoked and potentially a registration hold on your account.
- USG Officers: Will not be able to participate as an Officer of a specific club/organization if you do not complete the SPARC program and email your certificate as informed.