This course is an introduction to theories, concepts and approaches in Public-Administration including basic ideas and techniques relevant to administrative processes in public decision-making, personnel systems, budget processes, and communication systems.

Pre-Requisites: ENGL 150

This course is specifically designed to provide students with a basic understanding of criminal law and the criminal justice system. It will include the history, theory, and practice of substantive criminal law and the criminal justice system. It will include the legislative purpose and responsibilities, the major elements of statutory offenses and their application in the Criminal Justice Process.

  • Pre-Requisites: PA 103
  • Co-Requisites: ENGL 112

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the organizational, personnel, budgetary and other related concepts in the management of a non-profit entity. It will use a series of textbook reading materials, audio/visual media, and case studies to further enhance the students understanding and development into effective public/non-profit managers.

Pre-Requisites: PA 103 Co-requisite: ENGL 112

The purpose of this class is to provide students with an overview of the design of a local/urban social service program. It will identify community needs, stakeholders, advocates, pros and cons to the implementation of such programs. It will develop a workable grant proposal to obtain funding for the program. It will cover the basics of grant and proposal writing.

  • Pre-Requisites: PA 200
  • Co-Requisites: ENGL 112

This course will study the organization and operation of public bureaucracies, with emphasis on the source of bureaucracy power, implementation of public policies, and approaches to controlling the bureaucracy. Examples of American bureaucratic structures and procedures will be analyzed.

  • Pre-Requisites: PA 225
  • Pre/Co-Requisites: ENGL 150

This course analyzes procedures and methods past, present, and prospective – used in the resource allocation process of government. Topics covered includes: Budgeting Systems, the Budgeting Process, Budgeting Reform, Approaches to Budgeting, Budget Preparation, Budget Approval, Concepts Related to Fiscal Administration, Government and the Economy, and the Changing Functions of Budgeting.

  • Pre-Requisites: PA 300
  • Pre/Co-Requisites: ENGL 150

This course involves a study of systems management and administrative theories as they relate to public and voluntary issues which have an impact on the elderly. Legal rights, Social Security Act, Medicare, will be explored to promote the development of gerontology advocacy skills. The six (6) hours per week field practicum with older persons will be provided a variety of community settings.

Pre-Requisites: PA 225

In this course, organizational problems of public agencies are scrutinized. The planning, budgeting, project developments and management practices are examined. Particular attention is given to problems and their solutions that originate within their systems. It provides systematic approach to government budget initiations, to project planning, implementation, control and close out. Various techniques and models for quantitative/qualitative risk assessment and risk management is surveyed.

Pre-Requisites: PA 225

This course will study theories of comparative Public-Administration, methodological problems and practical concerns in comparing different systems. Students can analyze major administrative structures and institutions including resource, allocation and utilization, machinery of coordination, and other related topics.

Pre-Requisites: PA 300

This course spans the related disciplines of the political and the social sciences in an attempt to analyze and synthesize the respective inputs of each in the public policy making process. Various topologies are followed to provide students with the orientation to both descriptive and prescriptive approaches to policy-making in the public interest.

Pre-Requisites: PA 225

This course will analyze descriptive and normative approaches to decision-making processes resulting in modification of public agency structure, formation of goals and objectives, procedures, and devices for achieving same and for evaluating performance. Concepts of leadership are studied with attention to leadership patterns, their focus in the organization and the skills and abilities which they require.

Pre-Requisites: PA 300 and Permission of the chairperson