Office of the Registrar » Graduation » Graduation Application Status

Graduation Application Status

When the Registrar’s Office has processed your graduation application, it becomes your responsibility to check your application status online by following these steps:

  1. Click on the “Graduation” tile in your Student Center
  2. Click on the “View Graduation Status” on the left-hand navigation. Then click on “View Graduation Status“.
  3. Once you click on “View Graduation Status,” your graduation status will be displayed.

Below are some statuses you will observe in CUNYfirst and DegreeWorks:

  1. Applied – your application was received by the Registrar’s Office and awaiting final review of grades and requirements at the end of the semester.
  2. Pending – your application was reviewed, and you are missing requirements or documents.  Please discuss this with your assigned academic advisor.
  3. Awarded – your degree was awarded.
  4. Denied – your degree was denied. Please contact your assigned academic advisor for more information and to refile for the next certification date.

Next steps:

  1. Be patient: the final review process will occur at the end of the semester after all grades are posted. Degree conferrals occur after the final review process is completed for all applicants.
  2. Complete all outstanding requirements this semester.
  3. Ensure that your MEC student email account is active.
  4. Review your contact information in CUNYfirst. If necessary, update your mailing address. Moreover, please make sure your address and preferred email address are up to date in CUNYfirst as your degree (if conferred) will be mailed directly to your permanent address and a digital copy will be sent to your preferred email address selected on CUNYfirst.

As a reminder, your degree will be granted once all of the degree requirements are met.  Consequently, your degree will be denied if one or more of the below reasons occur:

  1. Fail to secure any requisite course substitution or credit petition waivers.
  2. Fail to attain the minimum GPA of 2.0, which is required for degree conferral.
  3. Fail to complete the minimum number of credits required for your degree (60 for an associate’s or 120 for a bachelor’s)
  4. Fail to attain the minimum requirements of 30 residency (MEC) credits.
  5. Obtain unsatisfactory grades (INC, ABS, FAB, FIN, WU, WF, WA, F, NC, or PEN) in a required course.
  6. Obtain C- or D grade(s) in Departmental course(s), core and/or sequential course(s) [if applicable] in a required course that was not approved by the Chair or Academic Standard and Regulations Committee (Pathways courses).
  7. Officially Withdraw from a required course(s).
  8. Missing Academic Standards and Regulations Committee approval for College Option mixed cluster or other Pathways requirements.
  9. Withdraw your application

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding your status, be sure to get in touch with your respective academic advisor.