Radio & Television » Television


For over two decades, Medgar Evers College (MEC) TV has been a source of diverse and unique programming of the college community.

Under the banner of Education & Perspectives, MEC TV develops, produces, and broadcasts cultural, educational, and informational television shows and current affairs.

MEC TV continues to exist as an extension of the late Dr. Mary Umolu’s vision in establishing and maintaining a successful media outlet for students, faculty, and members of the Medgar Evers College and the Crown Heights, Brooklyn community.

Continuing with Dr. Umolu’s vision, Chair Dr. Clinton Crawford of the Mass Communications, Creative, Performing Arts, & Speech, of the School of Liberal Arts, upholds that vision by sponsoring programs that highlight the college’s mission to providing diverse and inclusive programming that reflect and represent both Medgar Evers College and the community.

Like it’s radio counterpart, MEC Community Radio (WNYE 91.5 FM), MEC TV is broadcast on WNYE-TV.