Office of Academic Affairs » Programs » Predominately Black Institution » Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction



What is SI?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a program that targets traditionally difficult academic courses – those that have a high rate of DFWI grades and provides regularly scheduled, out of class, peer-facilitated tutoring sessions.

SI tutoring is a voluntary program that offers free, regularly scheduled study sessions for traditionally difficult courses. SI tutoring sessions are facilitated by Tutoring Leaders who are undergraduate students who have previously taken the course and demonstrated academic competency in the subject area. Each SI/Tutor Leader facilitates at least three 50-minute sessions per week using collaborative learning methods. Here at MEC, SI Tutoring sessions support are offered for more than 30 courses per each semester.

Why SI?

Students who participate in SI:

  • Discover appropriate application of study strategies, e.g. note taking, test preparations, questioning techniques, etc.
  • Work collaboratively with peer students in a facilitated environment.
  • Receive support from a trained, educated SI Leader.

Most data suggest that SI participants earn higher course grades and withdraw less often than non-SI participants. Also, data demonstrate higher enrollment and graduation rates for students who participate in SI. It is recommended that students attend at least two SI sessions per week.

SI Leaders

SI Leaders can be current Medgar Evers College undergraduate students, MEC Alumni, or other CUNY students who have successfully completed the course or related coursework. All Leaders are supervised by trained SI Coordinator and staff members in the PBI office. SI Leaders attend all class sessions, take notes, read all assigned material, and facilitate three of more SI sessions each week and encourage group learning of course material

Become an SI Leader – Please apply HERE

We are now hiring SI Leaders for Fall 2019. You can learn more about the application process by clicking the link below.

Supplemental Instruction Leader Application

This application requires personal information, academic information, the contact information of one professional reference, brief statements regarding position qualifications, and submission of semester availability.

Our program will be hiring SI Leaders for similar courses that are currently supported by the Supplemental Instruction program. For a list of these courses, visit our SI Fall 2019 Sessions.

References will be contacted as applications are submitted, and will be asked to complete a reference form on the applicant’s behalf.

A description of the Supplemental Instruction Leader position can be found below. Any questions regarding the Supplemental Instruction program, the SI leader position, or SI application process should be directed to

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader Position Description


A SI Leader is an undergraduate student who provides peer academic support for an assigned course. SI Leaders will assist in student learning and retention at Iowa State University through facilitation of SI sessions that help students better understand concepts and applications of course content.

This position will require Leaders to dedicate approximately nine hours per week for the academic semester, with some weeks requiring more hours for training and professional development.


For consideration, candidates must possess the following qualifications:

  • Enrollment as a Medgar Evers College undergraduate student
  • Minimum cumulative GPA: 3.00/4.00
  • Minimum semester GPA for the most recent academic semester completed: 3.00/4.00
  • Grade of B+ or higher in course(s) you desire to lead

*Please note: we do not provide SI Leaders with any training in specific content areas (ex: math), which is why this knowledge of course content is expected prior to application.

  • Self-motivation and direction to work independently with limited supervision
  • Empathy for and understanding of a diverse group of students
  • Ability to speak and present information to large audiences


SI Leaders will:

  • Attend all lectures with students to relearn course content, stay on pace with instruction, and build rapport
  • Promote SI and motivate students to attend SI sessions through class announcements, board reminders, and electronic communication
  • Creatively plan for SI sessions including preparing interactive activities, worksheets, and other resources that encourage peer-to-peer learning
  • Facilitate three 50-minute SI sessions per week using collaborative and active learning strategies
  • Participate in staff development activities and continuous leadership development opportunities including SI Leader orientation, SI Leader retreat, staff meetings, individual meetings with an SI Supervisor or Mentor, and observations of peer SI Leaders
  • Complete administrative responsibilities including taking and submitting attendance, submitting wage reports, maintaining website in a timely manner
  • Develop relationships and maintain communication with students, SI supervisors, and course instructor(s) and facilitate relationship-building among students
  • Assist students in becoming familiar with study skills and university resources
  • Role model good student behavior and act in a professional manner


SI Leaders will earn $15.00 per hour for time spent attending class, preparing for sessions, and facilitating sessions. For most Leaders, this is twelve hours per week, with the exception of weeks including staff development activities, in which Leaders are compensated accordingly.

Tutoring: PBI collaborates with the Learning Center to assist students in improving academic achievement by meeting with them on a regular basis to clarify learning problems and work on study skills. Writing Fellows and Tutors provide coaching in Writing, Research and Grammar usage skills. You’ll work live with tutors in a virtual session. In addition, it provides support for non-traditional students not able to attend tutoring during the hours that traditional tutoring centers are available.

Contact Us

If you have a question regarding Supplemental Instruction, please call our office (718-270-4953), e-mail, or contact our staff directly.

Name Title Email
Meseret Tzehaie Director, PBI