
The School of Science, Health and Technology is housed in a $247 million-dollar, five story, 195,000 gross square foot brick structure – designed by renowned architect Todd Schliemann of Ennead Architects, L.L.P., (formerly Polshek Partnership). It features 87 faculty and administrative offices for all science departments, information technology services, buildings and grounds and Public Safety; numerous student study areas; a faculty dining room; a glass pavilion, a 264 – seat dining hall;  and a multi-purpose room to be used for lectures, concerts, and social functions.

The award-winning building has 11 high-tech class rooms; 6 seminar rooms, 14 instructional labs as well as 36 research and instrument modules for the physical and biological sciences; a 50 – seat lecture hall with distance learning capabilities; a 100-seat lecture hall;  and 6 computer labs.

The School is also equipped with multimillion dollar top rated teaching and research equipment that includes among others: a NMR, Battery Cycler, ICP/IP, GC/MS, FT-IR, XRD, AA, HPLC, ultracentrifuges, flow cytometer, DNA sequencer, Zeiss Auxiostar fluorescence microscope, confocal and scanning electron microscopes, Kodak imaging system, RT-PCR, aquariums, animal room and plant growth chambers.

Core Research Facilities

The School of Science, Health and Technology has established two core research facilities. These include a Cellular and Molecular Imaging core facility and Chemical Analysis core facility.  The School is in the process of hiring core facility Directors/Managers to operate and manage these facilities.  The School has also procured equipment for other individual research modules and teaching labs.