Core Curriculum Requirements

The Core Curriculum Requirements is divided into seven areas:

  1. Historical Studies
  2. The Natural World
  3. Arts and Language
  4. The Nature of Mathematics and its Application
  5. Philosophy
  6. Individual, Groups and Institutions
  7. Vocation and Avocation

Each course in the Core Curriculum directly addresses one of these areas.
Medgar Evers College students are required to be computer literate.  Students may pass a challenge examination or take one of the following computer courses depending on the student’s major program of study:

  1. Liberal Arts, Psychology, Public Administration, Nursing Majors: CL 101, Computer Literacy
  2. Accounting, Business and Computer Information Systems: CIS 211, Introduction to Computers and Information Systems
  3. Biology, Science, Computer Science Majors:CIS 151, Introduction to Computing

Students may be advised, depending on their major, to select a specific course within the Core areas that have options.  Students should consult their academic advisors and their advisement worksheets for specific recommended courses in their majors.

Since 1999 each academic department has had the option of selecting one (1) three (3) credit course within the Core to waive for their students.  Excluded are all of the College-wide requirements, except PHIL 101, Introduction to Logic and three (3) concentrations:

  1. Historical Studies
  2. The Natural World
  3. Mathematics and Its Applications

Students should consult with their academic advisors to determine the alternatives available to them.

College-Wide Requirements for all Degrees: 20 Credits

ENGL 112 — College English I 3 3
ENGL 150 — College Composition II 3 3
ENGL 211 — Intro to Literature
PHIL 101 — Intro to Logic
3 3
HIST 101 — World Civilization I
HIST 102 — World Civilization II
3 3
SPCH 102 — Fundamentals of Speech 3 3
MTH 115 — Nature of Mathematics
MTH 136 — Algebra & Geometry
MTH 138 — College Algebra & Trigonometry
FS 101 — Freshman Seminar I
FS 102 — Freshman Seminar II
*SP/C 003 — Transition from High School to College
*SP/C 004 — College as a Social System








* For SEEK students Additional Core Requirements for Associate Degree: 11 Credits

Choose one of the following “Individuals, Groups, and Institutions” courses: 3 Credits

SSC 101 — Culture, Society, and Social Change 3
PSYC 101 — Intro to Psychology 3

Choose one of the following “Arts and Language” courses: 2 Credits

ART 100 — Intro to World Art 2
MUS 100 — Intro to World Music 2

Choose one of the following “Historical Studies courses: 3 Credits

HIST 200 — Growth and Development of the U.S.A. 3
HIST 201 — African American History and Culture 3
HIST 230 — History of Africa to 1800 3
HIST 231 — History of Africa Since 1800 3
HIST 242 — History of the Caribbean 3
Choose one of the following “The Natural World” courses: 3 Credits
BIO 101 — Intro to the Science of Biology 3
BIO 111 — Intro to Biology 3
PHS 101 — Intro to Physical Science 3
CHM 112 — Basic Chemistry 3
PHY 103 — Astronomy 3

Total Core Credits: 11 Credits (Associate degrees)+ 19*-20 credits (College-wide requirements) = 30-31

*SEEK Students

Additional Core Requirements for Baccalaureate Degree: 29 Credits

Courses Credits
ENG 212 — Masterpieces of World Literature 3
ART 100 — Intro to World Art 2
MUS 100 — Intro to World Music 2

Choose one of following “Historical Studies” courses:

Courses Credits
HIST 200 — Growth and Development of the U.S.A. 3
HIST 201 — African American History and Culture 3
HIST 230 — History of Africa to 1800 3
HIST 231 — History of Africa Since 1800 3
HIST 242 — History of the Caribbean 3

Choose 6 credits from the “International Studies” Option:
EITHER 3 credits from a–b-c + 3 credits from d-e-f = 6 credits;
OR 3 credits from d + 3 credits from e-f = 6 credits;
OR 6 credits from d = 6 credits;
OR 3 credits from e + 3 credits from f = 6 credits.

Courses Credits
a. POL 210 — International Relations 3
b. ECON 333 — International Economics 3
c. GEOG 101 — Introduction to Geography 3
d. FL I or II — Foreign Languages I and II 6
e. SPCH 121 — American Sign Language I 3
f. SPCH 122 — American Sign Language II 3

Choose one of the following “Mathematics and IT Applications” courses: 4 Credits

Courses Credits
MTH 141 — Finite Mathematics 4
MTH 151 — Pre-calculus 4
MTH 201 — Calculus I 4
MTH 202 — Calculus II 4
MTH 209 — Elementary Statistics 4
MTH 220 — College Geometry 4
MTH 222 — Intro to Probability and Statistics 4
MTH 231 — Math for Teachers of Elementary School 4

Choose one of the following “The Natural World” courses: 3 Credits**

Courses Credits
BIO 101 — Intro to the Science of Biology 3
BIO 111 — Intro to Biology 3
BIO 201 — General Biology I 4
BIO 202 — General Biology II 4
BIO 251 — Anatomy and Physiology I * 4
BIO 252 — Anatomy and Physiology II * 4

Choose one of the following “The Natural World” courses: 3 Credits**

CHM 112 — Basic Chemistry 3
CHM 201 — General Chemistry I * 4
CHM 202 — General Chemistry II * 4
PHS 101 — Intro to Physical Science 3
PHY 103 — Astronomy 3
PHY 114 — Basic Physics* 4
PHY 205 — Intro to Physics I * 4
PHY 211 — University Physics I * 4

*Course includes a laboratory
**Only six credits of Science are required in the College-wide Core for baccalaureate degrees

Choose one of the following “Individuals, Groups, and Institutions” courses: 3 Credits
SC 101 — Culture, Society, and Social Change 3
SSC 305 — Critical Issues in Society 3
PSYC 101 — Intro to Psychology 3
ANTH 201 — The Nature of Culture 3
SOC 101 — Culture, Society, and Social Change 3

Total Core Credits: baccalaureate degrees 29 Credits + College-wide Requirements 19*-20 Credits = 48*-49

*Seek students